Rewire by Nicole Vignola

Rewire by Nicole Vignola

“Rewire” by neuroscientist Nicole Vignola is a transformative guide to achieving peak mental well-being by rewiring your brain. It addresses common negative beliefs and habits that hinder personal growth, offering insights into neuroplasticity and methods for altering behavior. Vignola explains how to break bad habits, form good ones, and manage stress, ultimately empowering readers to control their reactions and create lasting, positive changes in their lives. This book encourages the belief that it’s never too late to rewrite your story and become the best version of yourself.

Book Details
Original Title: Rewire
Author: Nicole Vignola
Genres: Science
Language: en
Publisher: HarperOne
ISBN: 978-0063349797
Publication Year: 2024
File Name: rewire-by-nicole-vignola.pdf
Pages: 232
Format: PDF
File Size: 8.9 MB

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