In My Time of Dying by Sebastian Junger

In My Time of Dying by Sebastian Junger

After a near-fatal health crisis in 2020, bestselling author and war reporter Sebastian Junger reflects on death and the afterlife. Junger, who had a ruptured aneurysm, recalls a vision of his deceased father comforting him. This experience led him, an atheist raised by a physicist, to explore mortality from scientific, philosophical, and personal perspectives. “In My Time of Dying” combines medical drama, autobiography, and a rational inquiry into death’s mysteries.

Book Details
Original Title: In My Time of Dying
Author: Sebastian Junger
Genres: Religion & Spirituality
Language: en
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
ISBN: 978-1668050835
Publication Year: 2024
File Name: in-my-time-of-dying-by-sebastian-junger.pdf
Pages: 75
Format: PDF
File Size: 4.1 MB

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